We understand that purchasing your first investment property will more than likely not be your last. Once you have a taste for building an investment property portfolio, it becomes contagious. It has been reported that as few as 6% of Australians actually own another property outside of their own home. We congratulate you on being one of the minority who are aiming to look after their own financial future!
We recommend that you have regular contact with us so that we can organise nance audits to ensure you are always well informed about the property market.
Also, as your properties increase in value, so does your equity. Using this equity wisely for investment purposes, can ensure your peace of mind for future financial security. Planning your future investment property portfolio and other wealth strategies starts from your very first loan.
We consider you to be a client for life when you use us for the first time – whether it is your first home or your fifth investment property. Looking after your current needs, combined with your future needs, will ensure our relationship is a positive one. Be sure you are working with someone with this approach as it can be a very costly exercise to start with the wrong advice, especially when you are investing. Good luck with your decisions. They are not to be taken lightly. We look forward to helping you on your property investment journey.